Sunday, November 4, 2012


During 28 years of age devoted foresters in forest development, a variety of development and change has occurred.
Much progress we have achieved, but the drawback was definitely there. however, with a strong will and high spirits, Indonesian foresters must always strive to improve the errors or deficiencies occur.

Likewise, among others conveyed Regent Magetan, Drs. Sumantri, MM., Regarding the Day of Consecrated Forester in 2011.
we all have to work hard and never give up on the success of the Ministry's vision for 2009-2014 is "sustainable forests for the welfare of a just society," and 6 (six) policy priorities, namely:
1. strengthening forest
2. rehabilitation and improvement of the carrying capacity of the watershed
3. forest protection and fire control
4. biodiversity conservation
5. revitalization of forest use and forest industry
6. empowerment of communities in forest
In order to preserve the forests, as well as social welfare, a policy that touches the lives of people in and around the forest, the Forest Society (HKM), Forest Plantation (HTR), Forest Village (HD), and Forestry, the partnership continues to increase, both area and pemerataannya. so that the people in and around the forest really feel the real benefits of forest management, especially in improving the economy.
Meanwhile, planting and replanting program forests and critical land (RHL), increase its range. in the context of global efforts to RHL is the government's commitment to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation to tackle climate change. therefore the planting of one billion trees and nursery program people shall be the primary program. I sincerely hope that these programs can actually come to fruition. therefore, in order to evaluate the meyeluruh on the field, both the success of plants, as well as supporting activities.
Again, professionalism and wisdom foresters should continue to be nurtured and enhanced quality. This is not only the mastery of technical fields, but also have a superior attitude, and moral integrity, such as the willingness to always work best achievement, by adhering to the norms and work ethic that has been determined.
To all residents and foresters, Regent Sumantri invited to:
a. Using water as efficiently as possible;
b. Controlling water around us so that they can benefit our lives;
c. Care for, maintain and repair water and infrastructure related thereto;
d. Create harmony for each other water users;
e. Creating balance of the ecosystem, which in turn will be able to provide ideal conditions for the existence of forests and water around us;
f. Keeping kelestariana forests, as well as
g. Maintain professionalism and wisdom of foresters in the daily task

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