Sunday, November 4, 2012


Ulema Council is a forum or panel appears logical that brought together scholars, Muslim scholars zuama and Indonesia. In order to socialize to Muslims, especially in the MUI Magetan morning Saturday, August 1, 2009, is housed in the building KORPRI DISSEMINATION events ULAMA COMMISSION DECISION astral conjunction FATWA SE - INDONESIA III. This event
was attended by a number of community leaders and all religious leaders in Magetan
In this activity MUI Magetan delivered three decisions astral conjunction 'Ulama is the masa'il Asasiyah Wathaniyah is related to national strategies, masa'il Fiqhiyyah Mu'asariah the problems of contemporary jurisprudence and masa'il Qanuniyah that the laws and regulations, as described by Wagimun S.Ag, MUI chairman Magetan City District.
Wagimun added to the National Strategic issues, MUI has mengijtima'kan three things: first principle of Islamic teaching on the relationship between religious communities within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the second role of religion in the nation and third moral guidance on the implementation of Islam Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin and shalihun Likullizamanin wa makanin in the life of society, state and nation. As for the problems of contemporary jurisprudence MUI has mengijtima'kan problems associated with the charity, gymnastics, yoga and early marriage. Recent problems related laws and regulations Mui has mengijtima'kan problems follow the Law no 21 on the Sharia banking, bill on the Law of the Religious Affairs Marriage Material and Follow-Up of Law No.13 of 2008 concerning the pilgrimage.
The socialization was opened by the Regent Magetan, Mr. Drs.H.Sumantri, MM. In his speech Sumantri expect our noble scholars always find solutions and deliver tauziyah for happiness in this world and the hereafter. It is also stressed by Sumantri, presumably this fatwa can suppress the selfish and brutal, so expect the government realized that Baldatun thoyyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur.
MUI chairman Kab.Magetan H.Kaseri added this activity to succeed the decision of astral conjunction 'ulama, in addition in order to meet the month of Ramadan so that Muslims are able to practice and mandate - a mandate Ramadan with kusyu and quiet without any excesses. Fatwa set is also expected to fortify the Muslims from a distorted understanding. (Mln)

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