Sunday, November 4, 2012


Transportation is an important tool in the development Magetan. Therefore, the day of Friday, January 14, 2011 has been an evaluation of the Code dilaksakan Traffic and Transport Cities Graha Surya. On a visit Center Team Contest Rules Traffic and Transportation
City attended Regent Magetan its chairman and all the elements parliament officials, but it is also attended by the head of department / insransi Magetan regency.

In his speech, Drs. Sumantri, MM said that the success of the development is determined by the role of the transport sector, transport sector therefore needs to be fostered in order to be able to produce a reliable transport service, highly skilled organized in an integrated, orderly, smooth, safe, comfortable, and efficient in supporting the development dynamics of moving . He also added that the government has established coordination and undertake measures - such as the revision of workshops involving various elements of the public and relevant agencies, as well as developing a comprehensive transportation program development. This program is used to guide the implementation of good urban spatial traffic, integrated urban development, management and operation of the transportation system. Since then, the Regent said that Magetan ready to be judged in the context of race traffic rules and public transportation in 2010. Awards Wahana Tata Nugraha not the main goal to be achieved but more emphasis on patterns and indicators of achievement award to further strengthen and motivate in order to move ahead again.

Ir.Jamal Sebastian, MSc as assessor team leader explained that there are some things that should be fixed Magetan government in regulating the traffic rules and public transportation in 2010. Things - things that should be corrected such as road markings, signs were damaged and many trees covered in lush, park the vehicle number is not in place, still there are many traders who sell fringe takes the road disrupting road users, use sidewalks are not appropriate uses, and improve the quality of human resources associated with setting up employee Orderly City Traffic and Transportation.

The results of exposure evaluation, Drs. Laras as Acting Head of the Department of Transportation, Communication, and Information responded that PR is still much to be improved, and to ask the cooperation of related agencies such as the Department of Public Works, Transportation Agency, and the Agency for improving transport in Magetan. HR problems are less, basically have often implemented training - training employees to improve the quality of human resources.

On this occasion, the Regent Magetan also revealed its commitment to the results of the evaluation assessment team race that all should pay attention to the implementation of development priorities with respect to the amount of the available budget. The event ended with the surrender of the race record evaluation ole Contest Rules Center Team Leader Traffic and Transportation City from the Regent Magetan. (Nit)

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