Tuesday, November 6, 2012


He began a series of 40th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia or the Corps Civil KORPRI; Board of Regents and Board Korpri Magetan, today (Thursday, November 24, 2011), engage in social bhakti form of basic food aid in the Qur'an Village Orphanage
Tahfidzul Balegondo Sub Ngariboyo, Orphanage Kawi Magetan Hidayatullah Road, and Extraordinary School or SLB Dharma Wanita Karangrejo.
In addition to these activities, on Friday, November 25, 2011, at the Hall Surya Graha, will be held recitals Korpri members, by presenting speakers Drs. H. Sujono, M.Pdi. from Blitar.
According to the Secretary of the Secretariat Korpri Magetan, Sri Wahjuningsih, S.Sos., Monday (28 November 201) will be held on pilgrimage to the Heroes Cemetery Yudhonegoro Magetan.
And on Tuesday (29 November 2011), there will be a flag ceremony for the 40th anniversary KORPRI, which coincides with the 66th anniversary of the Indonesian Teachers Association or PGRI.
Meanwhile, on Friday (December 2, 2011) will be held leisurely hike, followed by all members Korpri a Magetan. With the route: Start from Home Pendopo Graha Surya, New Gandong Bridge, Jalan Jambu, Jalan A. Yani, Jalan Bangka, Jalan MT Haryono, Jalan Kunti, Jandral Road S. Parman, Jalan Sudirman, Gandong Old Bridge, as well as draw prizes at Finis and Square Magetan

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