Monday, November 5, 2012

Cultured Care and the Environment, SMA 3 Earn Cup Adiwiyata

Curriculum intergitas (environmental uatan entry into general subjects) and monolithic (a special lesson about the environment) which have been applied in SMAN 3 Magetan achievement. Today, exactly at 09.00 pm at the State Palace, Regent Magetan
Drs. H. Sumantri MM, received Adiwiyata Cup. (Tuesday, 6/5/12).
Cups are intended for schools who care about the environment and the culture was successfully achieved by this Magetan SMAN 3, is the result of hard work from all elements of the school and the community. In the school's lush and cool, concern for the environment instilled. Mushroom cultivation, maintenance fauna, waste water treatment, maintenance of recharge wells, mini forest maintenance, organic composting, 3R implementation, activities Ju'mat clean and air pollution abatement done. All we do to foster a sense of care about the environment, and Alkhmdulillah this school in 2012 we got the trophy Adiwiyata, said Dra. Hj. Mahmudah, MPd Plt. High School Principal 3 Magetan.
Meanwhile, Regent Magetan Drs.H. Sumantri MM. expressed his pride for the achievements in the field of environment. Cup is a manifestation of the hard work, enthusiasm and motivation of the school to continue to inculcate the culture of the environment and improve the environmental quality of life. I expressed the highest appreciation and thanks to the high all civitas SMAN 3, hopefully this achievement can be an example and encourage other schools to be more aware of the environment, further Regent

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