Thursday, November 8, 2012


One of the medium-term development priorities Magetan is agriculture. It is based on the reality that most people Magetan or approximately Sixty Percent dependent on agriculture.
In addition, the agricultural sector

contributed the largest GDP compared to other sectors, in the amount of Thirty-One Percent in 2008. Although the trend every year percentage decline, but in general is still the highest compared to other sectors.
Regent conveyed Magetan, Drs.H.Sumantri, MM. the ceremony loans for working capital buffer fertilizer in 2011, at the Department of Agriculture a few days ago.
It said Agriculture still promises increased farmer income, reduce or overcome by eight constraints in agriculture which has been a barrier to productivity and income of farmers.
Agricultural development, principally directed to reduce or overcome the eight constraints in agriculture, which include:
The low use of certified seeds;
The reduction in irrigation water sources, while its use is increasing, both for agriculture, drinking water, industry, tourism, etc.;
Most of the irrigation networks damaged so much water is wasted in the channel;
Availability of fertilizers sometimes do not meet the Six Right, the right type, quality, quantity, price, time and location;
The low use of farm machinery for accelerating the processing of land and harvest and post-harvest;
prices fall harvest time;
Lack of capital ownership farmer groups.
As well as the limited land area.
Recent data shows, only Zero Comma Three Hectares per family. With an area of​​, of course it is difficult to make farming profitable

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