Thursday, November 8, 2012


In order to realize the vision of 'Realization of Public Welfare Magetan Fair and dignified, especially in the health sector, the Government Magetan continually strive to improve the quality of service to the community.According to Regent Sumantri in front of Tim

Manggala Bhakti Husada Work at Home Office Regent, (Thursday, October 20, 2011), of developing the Health Sector Magetan emphasis on efforts to: increase access, quality and quantity of health infrastructure; development centers for hospitalization; Repairs environmental sanitation; Minimizing morbidity through awareness of healthy living; increase in the degree and quality of public health, as well as development of dr. Sayidiman.Furthermore Regent said, in an effort to increase access, quality and quantity of health infrastructure, today has made efforts to improve Polindes be Ponkesdes, with the addition of 1 plus 1 nurse midwife, and Standards Health Center, Building Standards (repair and construction of new buildings ), Islamic Development Temboro Pustu nuanced, and increasing infrastructure ponkesdes.In the area of ​​sanitation, Regent expects realization Magetan ODF or free of bowel habits in any place in the year 2014, and the release of the public from the threat of disease caused by fecal matter.In line with halini, has issued Instruction No. Regents Magetan. 1 Year 2011 on January 10, 2011 about Magetan free from Unfair Toilet / Open Defication Free (ODF) 2014, and Circular Letter No. Regents Magetan. 443.5/426/403.102/2011 dated 17 February 2011 regarding ODF Optimization Achieve Magetan 2014.Currently, the realization of rural / urban odf in Magetan until October 12, 2011, reached 78 villages / urban or 33.2%.Meanwhile, in an effort to improve the level and quality of public health, local government efforts through a program Magetan Jamkesda (Maskin Nonkuota Jamkesmas) and Free Health Services and staff at the health center for all citizens Magetan or Total Coverage, according Perbub No. 52 of 2009, which proclaimed the The Magetan Anniversary 334 dated October 12, 2009 lau, and efforts to decrease maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate (MMR - IMR) Malnutrition and Poverty.In an attempt Development dr. Sayidiman, being pursued development of complementary treatments such as acupuncture, Haemodialysis, Service Improvement Specialist, Blood Bank Development, Youth Inpatient for Maskin, Central Surgical Installation Development and Improvement of Integrated Emergency

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