Thursday, November 8, 2012


In the public administration system, especially the system of village government, there has been a shift in the substance of the governance of a pangreh praja become a civil servant. The once served now serving. Or more popularly referred to as civil servants and

public servant.
This is in line with the essence of autonomy, namely the realization of the people's welfare and improvement of services to the community. This is one of the tasks of the government apparatus that should be prioritized. This of course brings a consequence, where the next task of a village head is heavy. However, this task is a very noble as they relate to the interests of the community at large, especially to provide services to the good and welfare of society.Therefore, in line with the dynamics of the development of today's society, many will surely emerging challenges and obstacles, but I believe with the high spirit of dedication from the village chief and supported by the sense of community and the entire community of mutual royongan of the challenges and obstacles can be overcome .Regent conveyed Magetan, in a written speech read by the Regional Secretary Magetan Drs. Abdul Aziz, MM. at the inauguration Purdiyono, as village head Ringinagung, District Magetan, Magetan, (Thursday, 11 August 2011) ago.Purdiyono a result of implementation of the Village Head democratic party direct village elections, which was held on July 17, 2011 last.To the elected village head, regent asks for:- Immediately understand and learn about the laws that apply in particular village government so that it will help his duties and functions as the head of the village in carrying out the duties of government, and community development;- Establishing a harmonious cooperation and partnership with all stakeholders in order to create a safe and conducive situation;- Create a sense of unity, so as to create unity in the village to build a better direction, then the more important to create cohesion, do not distinguish between the one with the other, now you as the head of the village is owned by the whole community and for the benefit of the community at large;- As well as carry out the task as well as possible, while still promoting the spirit Manunggaling Suko Hambangun Roso, resulting in building the village can run well and smoothly, which could eventually create the ultimate welfare and unseen

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