Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Since the monetary crisis in 1998, the impact on the degradation of public confidence in the bureaucracy, requires us to change the behavior of the bureaucracy, the bureaucracy characterized by reforms at all levels.
Bureaucracy challenges in the future is not easy.
And development of human resources bureaucrat itself, turned out to be the fulcrum of change. This has become our homework together.
Regent conveyed Magetan, Drs.Sumantri, MM, at the debriefing as village head Magetan, in Building Korpri, yesterday (Monday, May 23 201).
It is said, that the more complex dynamics of the changes in the legislation, demanding administrators at various levels to quickly adjust.
In another part said, upholding the rule of law, in addition to the principle of good Government, is also expected to be a breath of implementation of governance, and social development for the village government officials. In hopes of getting more intertwined fore again more effective communication between the village government, district and law enforcement officials. So the political and social stability will be more stable, and less problematic villages.
Meanwhile, according to Eko Muryanto, SIP, MM. Head of Administration, the purpose of a Village Head Preparatory Magetan, is:
- In order to give more insight to the entire head of the village, about how to position yourself, do and act in solving various problems of village governance.
- As well as to provide insight and knowledge to the village chief, the main rights and responsibilities under Bylaw No. 5 of 2006, about the structure of village government organizations, as well as the presence of the village chief before the law

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