Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A total of 178 Gapoktan can help fund PUAP

Head of Department of Agriculture Magetan, Ir.Edy Suseno said Rural Agribusiness Development program (PUAP) was launched in an effort to address the

problem of weak capital of farmer groups or farmer groups combined (Gapoktan).
The funds come from the state budget this is a grant, for each Gapoktan or rural / urban get Rp. 100 million.
When opening socialization implementation, monitoring and evaluation PUAP in 2011 in the Department of Agriculture on Wednesday (21 September 2011), Edy explained Suseno from 2008 to 2011 recorded 178 villages / Gapoktan Of 235 villagers / villages in the district who have received funding Magetan PUAP. Thus, the remaining 57 villages / urban neighborhoods do not get the grants.
Of 178 villages / villages which have a grant in detail, for the year 2008 as many as 43 villages / urban Rp. 4.3 billion, in 2009 as many as 68 villages / urban Rp. 6.8 billion, by 2010 as many as 42 villages / sub worth Rp.4, 2 billion and by 2011 as many as 25 villages / wards.
It said the grant was managed by the farmers group themselves according to instructions. However, of 178 was recorded 8 gapoktan gapoktan funds management stalled.Gapoktan from rural districts Soco Bendo, Ngentep Kawedanan district, subdistrict Sampung Kawedanan, Tunggur Lembeyan district, subdistrict Sidokerto Sidorejo, Kalangketi Sukomoro districts, Kalang Sidorejo district and village districts Pendem Ngariboyo.
However, according to Edy Suseno, the best management in the year 2008 in the village Forward Ngunut achieved Gapoktan Ngunut Parang district. From the initial grant of Rp. 100 million over the next three years until 2011 developed into Rp.179, 6 million. In 2009 Gapoktan best achieved Ngudi Prosperous village Nguntoronadi Drityorejo district. From the initial grant of Rp. 100 million during the period of 2 years until 2011 capable of developing into Rp.155, 3 million. Whereas in 2010 achieved Gapoktan Cepoko Mulyo village district Cepoko Panekan. From the grant of Rp. 100 million a year could rise to Rp.126, 4 million.Third Gapoktan PUAP best fund managers are getting a gift, each 1 unit delivered handsprayer Regent Magetan Drs.H.Sumantri, MM

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