Saturday, November 3, 2012


Unas high school unannounced fourth day (days) at SMAN 1 Magetan, SMAN 2 Magetan and SMAN 1 Regent Magetan Maospati by Drs. H Sumantri, MM held
today (Thursday, 04/19/2012). Alkhmadulillah implementation of Unas a high school degree in 2012 for Kab.Magetan generally went smoothly, said the Regent.

Subjects tested today, for science students working on the problems of Chemistry and Biology, while for IPS students work on Geography and Sociology. At SMAN 1 Magetan 240 students and 64 science students can follow all of Unas IPS until the last day. No 12nya graders who can not follow the national exam, said Principal SMAN 1 Magetan Mahmudah MPd Drs. Similarly, in SMAN 2 Magetan and SMAN 1 Maospati, all students can follow the overall Unas.

Successful implementation of Unas at the high school can not be separated from the role of the community. Peace of Unas implementation not only in the school. Like when we confirm, in SMAN 1 Maospati that are geographically close to the air base Iswahyudi. Peace of students working on can be obtained. No aircraft noise at the exam, so that our students can fully concentrate, especially when listening session on English exams yesterday, said high school Principal Musriono SPd located on Highway Maospati this.

At the end of sidaknya, Regents say a big thank you to those who have helped in the successful implementation of Unas at the high school in the district. Magetan, either from the school, security or other external parties. (Faa)

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