Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Farmers Welfare Must Enhanced

Regent Magetan Drs.H.Sumantri, MM said the agricultural sector in the district Magetan be one of the priority programs. Because, as much as 60 percent

more people in the district Magetan livelihood as farmers. However, the income of farmers still need to be improved so that they can prosper.
It was made in the open dissemination, monitoring and evaluation of Rural Agribusiness Program (PUAP) in the Department of Agriculture on Wednesday (21 September 2011).
It is said, to increase farmers' income is difficult but must be done. Meanwhile, the government continues to do so may increase the welfare of farmers.
Of 8 problems facing farmers today, according Sumantri, one of the factors farmers lack capital. Therefore, the program PUAP in an attempt to answer these problems. That is, by providing capital grants to strengthen the Joint Farmers Group (Gapoktan) which can then be exploited by farmers and members.
PUAP funds, according Sumantri, not great. Only Rp. 100 million for each Gapoktan / villages / wards. Dana is certainly very less compared to the needs of farmers in one village.Therefore, the expectations of the government is limited funding is prioritized to the farmers who really need the capital to cultivate their fields. Moreover, with the incidence of pest attacks on the hopper season yesterday, a lot of farmers who lack capital to continue its efforts.
Presented Regent, funds are granted to gapoktan PUAP, not directly to farmers or farmer groups or village government. The use of funds by the farmer group union members are loan amount, duration and services, determined by rembug group in each Gapoktan.Of services that, according to Sumantri, the fund is expected to be growing bigger and can serve other members.
It is expected the board to carry out fund management Gapoktan PUAP as applicable, stay away from personal interests and groups, to be fair, and poor farming community in prioritizing their respective villages

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