Saturday, November 3, 2012


Unas (National Examination) level of high school, vocational school and the second day MA held simultaneously (Tuesday, 4/17/12). Subjects in the Unas today is E
nglish, plus Physics for science majors and Economics for social studies majors.

In a surprise inspection conducted by the Head of the District Education Office. Magetan Drs. Bambang Trianto M, M at SMAN 1 Kawedanan and vocational Takeran, look at all the seriousness of the students in working on the problems Unas, especially when the session "Listening". When we confirm, Bambang said of the day at the time of execution it had coordinated with PLN for the availability of energy (that is not extinguished). Noise and power outages could affect the concentration of the students in working on, said Bambang.

Meanwhile, Principal of SMAN 1 Kawedanan Drs Supiah MPD states from 225 students to attend all classes 12nya Unas second day. 157 students and 68 students of IPS IPA we have prepared well to be able to work on the problems Unas, he added.

Meanwhile, the results of our monitoring, until the process of transferring files Unas in the Office of Education for the implementation of Unas Kab.Magetan until the second day running smoothly. (Faa)

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