Monday, November 5, 2012


Today, the national junior level students carry out the National Exam (Unas) 2012, including in the district. Magetan (Monday, 04/23/2012). In a surprise inspection conducted by the Head of the District Education Office. Magetan Drs. Bambang Trianto M, M 2 Magetan SMP,
SMP and SMP 1 3 Magetan Sidorejo, looking serious students working on grade 9 Indonesian language. In SMPN 3 Magetan, school locations that receive an abundance of 14 students from SMPK Pancasila, 25 supervisors closely monitor the implementation of the exam today. Apart from our students, there are 14 students from SMPK unas implement Pancasila who joined the school, said Drs. Sukarno, MPd Principal SMPN 3 Magetan. And Alkhmdulillah of 218 of our students, and additional students from other schools could follow unas kemuanya first day, he added.

In unas were also monitored by TrIagimanto and Edy Purbono of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education's Center Bambang did not find a significant constraint. The first day went well, hopefully until the fourth day unas-level implementation went smoothly, he added.

For students who due to circumstances, can not attend school to implement Unas. Due to illness, for example, such as the national exam last week the senior secondary level, the implementation could be implemented in hospital accompanied by officers, said Bambang.

Meanwhile, Principal SMP 2 Drs. Nursalim MPd stated, for the first day, we hope students are able to maximize his ability. In Indonesian Language is an opportunity to boost the overall value unas wide open. Given for most Indonesian students pengerjaanya relatively easier, in addition to added conditions on the first day students are still fresh.

Another case in SMPN 1 Sidorejo, the school has a motto Bekepribadian Skilled and Faith, the Principal Drs. Sarmun states that all students ready to perform unas this year. Hopefully, the results can be good, he added

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