Monday, November 5, 2012


Achievement Regent Magetan Drs.H Sumantri MM. increase again, today in a grand show warning Month Bhakti Mutual Aid Society (BBGRM) IX and Unity Day Empowerment and Family Welfare Movement (PKK HKG), in Puspa Agro Sidoarjo regency,
East Java Regents received the award for Best First Pembina Mutual Aid Society National Level yr. 2012. (Thursday, 05/24/12)
The award is given directly by Vice President Boediono, is a continuation of the assessment process carried out by a team of assessors Competition National Level Implementation of Mutual Aid in 2012, chaired by R. Sartono S Si MM.
This award means that the head of the region (the Regent) with the mission, vision and policy approaches daeranya been able to spur penetration rate of SKPD influence on the development of rural / urban, where there is substance to the connections between SKPD and rural / village so the village / sub can metamorphose , how SKPD the basic mission and vision of the district "gang up" to the village later changed by the power of mutual aid.
Meanwhile, when receiving this award Regent Magetan Drs.H. Sumantri MM stated that culturally villagers in the district. Magetan which tend Mataraman very supportive and help local governments in achieving the mission and vision, mutual rotong culture here is very high, making it easy to work together. This makes me to receive this award, I am so proud and thanks to all elements of society without exception, without the help of the whole community will be tough for me to win the award, he continued

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