Thursday, November 1, 2012


Forests are "Life Support System" or the system buffer Life. Because forests store a lot of wealth, such as water, fruit, flora, fauna, natural vegetable source of food and have a lot of biodiversity. As stated Regent Magetan, Drs. H. Sumantri, MM, as inspectors
Ceremony Day ceremony at Bhakti Forester to-26, in the courtyard of Forestry and Plantation Office Magetan, today (Thursday, March 19, 2009) / yesterday.

Sumantri also said that, at the age of 26 years, the forest sector has greatly contributed to the benefits to society. But foresters human responsibility in carrying out the mandate to conserve forests need to improve coordination between relevant agencies. Forester's Day theme this year is "The Spirit of Togetherness We are a success Tree Planting Activity One Man One Tree".

According to the Regent, the theme is relevant to the present situation, where there have been natural disasters, floods, landslides, hurricanes that hit almost all parts of the archipelago, resulting in loss of property and life. All events are caused by natural factors, the high intensity rainfall, reduced water absorption function, the use of land which is not in accordance with the carrying capacity and the non optimal community participation in land management and the environment.

It is also desirable to support community participation in forestry development is needed through activities that have been implemented include the National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation (GN-RHL), Growing Small Adults Harvesting (KMDM), Indonesia Planting Movement (GIM), Women's Movement Planting and Maintain Trees (GPTPP), agroforestry and Wanasantri, Collaborative Forest Management (CBFM) by Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH).

With regard to Hari Bhakti Forester, Regent stressed to continue planting trees that have been laid down in Indonesia Planting Movement on November 28, 2008 in the village of Parang and Tamanarum District Women's Movement and the Nurture Tree Planting on December 1, 2008 by Team PKK Magetan in Village Banyudono Ngariboyo District, as well as investment activities in office areas, public facilities, residential areas, places of worship school with movement replanting, fertilization and pendangiran.

Movement is also expected to carry out maintenance plants up to age 3 years by governmental as well as developing partnerships farmer as Collaborative Forest Management (CBFM) is also with the Institute of Forest Resource Management Society (LMPSDH). Sengon programs and distance-based independent energy program needs to be improved so as to raise the standard of living.

On that occasion also delivering aid implemented by the Regents to the Chairman of the Sub PKK Panekan form breadfruit seeds, brown kecik, rambutan. Basic food aid package of as much as 30 to Labor Day Release Forestry and Plantation Magetan and assistance Muhammadiyah Orphanage and Children's Home Baitul MUT Magetan. (@ Ri / cit).

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