Monday, November 5, 2012

MKSS SITE PRINCIPAL Gathering junior high, high school and vocational school

MKKS as a container association or associations that are the principal Magetan. MKKS function itself is as a means to communicate, learn, exchange ideas and experiences among the principals. It is revealed in "Dial Taste MKSS junior high, high school and vocational-Kab.Magetan
The Regent Magetan", which was held at the Village Hall Sidomulyo (Tuesday, 08/05/2012).
Head of Education district. Magetan, Drs. Bambang Trianto, MM. stated meetings are held regularly every month, which this time was held in SMP 2 Sidorejo. Followed by 40 junior high school principal, high school principal 15 and 40 junior high school principal. Bambang then asked for guidance and direction to the Principal of Regent.
Moreover, the Regent Magetan Drs, H Sumantri MM, expressed appreciation for the MKSS meeting ini.Kepala school is a leader in the school, which is expected to provide motivation, encouragement, and enthusiasm, for the teachers to always be working to improve the quality and performance. principals are expected to provide insights to teachers who dipimpinya, obedience and adherence to norms and regulations in force, associated with the main duties and functions, as a professional educator, continued Sumantri. ⨪ Sumantri later hoped that the principal can maintain the quality of identity as a true principal, by continuing to develop and direct the teachers they lead to improve the quality of service to the primary task in a professional manner, be the best principal, a mirror can be good for others and for the public, so anyone who saw and anyone who looked would always growing desire to imitate what was done, so that in time the head of the school is also able to help realize a society in this Magetan, a society that is safe, peaceful, orderly , peaceful, harmonious guyub under forgiveness and blessing of Allah SWT. And so, a schoolmaster, a pioneer of unity and oneness, by continuing to see the benefit of any problems with glasses, goggles not see a problem with self-interest, continued Sumantri

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